Hello Http Parser

Tags:  Neovim  Tree-Sitter  Devlog 

Finally, after days of development and tweaking, it’s alive, fully functional, and ready to get the job done for us!


A month ago, I published a post about the actual issues in the HTTP tree-sitter parser and how to address them by rewriting the entire parser.

All these issues have been fixed since then in a new branch called next in the repository that holds all the new breaking changes in the parser and that will be merged into the main branch once the time has come and the parser rewrite is bullet-proof.

Now that it is alive and working, it is time for us to review the changes and how we improved the parser!

Hello, robust structure!

Let’s start from the very beginning, step by step, and analyze the new parser structure first. That means, checking what the new Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) looks like!

But before that, we need to look at a simple POST request for everything to make sense.

POST https://reqres.in/api/users
Content-Type: application/json

    "name": "morpheus",
    "job": "leader",
    "array": ["a", "b", "c"],
    "object_ugly_closing": {
      "some_key": "some_value"

Now, this is the produced AST (I’ve stripped down the json_body AST to improve readability):

      name: (name)
      value: (value))

Simple and understandable, right? The request belongs to the document, and everything else belongs to that request (headers, body, etc.). But not everything was so beautiful before, so let’s take a look at the previous AST so that we understand well how everything has improved:

    name: (name)
    value: (value))

In this old state, everything is separate and there is no efficient way to know if a header is part of a request, and the same applies to the request body.

This makes the task of using the parser for what it was made difficult, and I dare say even impossible.

Improvements and optimizations


The parser has been adapted to the latest needs and syntax of rest.nvim, the plugin for which it was created. Thus adding new functionalities that did not exist before, such as script variables.

Script variables

Here we have an example of the script variables for the lazy:


local body = context.json_decode(context.result.body)

context.set_env("userId", body.userId)
context.set_env("postId", body.id)


This is a feature of rest.nvim that I will explain in detail later in another post, but for now we can say that it is an interactive way of using the result of one request within another in the same HTTP document, very convenient, right?

And if you have been using it before, you may notice that it is a little different than what it was before. This will be explained in detail in the Breaking changes section, so don’t worry!

Variables, everywhere

Just to clarify, we already had the variables in the parser, but they were not a first class citizen, and internally in the parser they had no… relevance. Fortunately that has changed!

Variables are now allowed everywhere, except of course as header names. This way, you can use variables to shorten time with endpoints, URLs, common values between requests, etc.

Other improvements

  • Add support for HTTP/3.
  • Add tree-sitter tests, gotta keep us safe!
  • Add support for JSON arrays as the request body.
  • Improve localhost:port detection.
  • Finally enable XML and GraphQL injections.
  • 95% of issues on GitHub have been resolved (not closed yet!).
  • Allow adding whitespaces around variables to improve readability (both {{password}} and {{ password }} are now valid).
  • Allow multiple bodies in the requests, in case you need to mix JSON and GraphQL!


The parser has grown enormously in size compared to its previous version (don’t worry, it still weighs less than 200KiB), however, it should be much faster than before!

Among the performance changes, we can find:

  • Remove almost all the precedence rules, as currently they cause no clashes.
  • Refactor all the /(this|or|that)/ regex into choice() with strings.
  • Refactor all the optional(repeat1()) to repeat() as the previous iteration is equal to just optional(), and thus redundant.

Breaking changes

Being a rewrite that seeks improvements, some changes have been made that break with the previous version. These are the following.

Script variables delimiters

As mentioned above, the syntax of script variables was changed, but why?

When adding Lua injections to the (script_variable) node, false errors were created due to the way tree-sitter injections work, because the delimiters were {% and %}, which was recognized as part of the injection code and is not valid Lua syntax.

It is for this reason that delimiters have become Lua comments (--{% and --%} respectively). An easy change to adopt, with little effort and that works perfectly :D

Document variables typing

In case you’re wondering, no. We don’t have strong typing, we’re not using a complex language!

By typing we mean that, previously, the value of the variables was a flat (identifier) node that, although it worked well for us, would be torture when expanding the variables because, how would we know if we want 12345 be a number or a string during expansion?

This is why now the values of the variables must be one of these three types, which we all already know:

  • string
  • number
  • boolean

For example:

@username = "NTBBloodbath"
@admin = true

POST https://foo.com/api/users/create
Content-Type: application/json

  "username": "{{ username }}",
  "is_admin": "{{ admin }}"

NOTE: don’t worry about values inside strings in the body, rest.nvim will make sure everything is as it should during internal parsing. That "{{ true }}" will become simply true thanks to the variable types and so on!

Since we’ve seen all these changes, I’m afraid to say that they are not yet available in nvim-treesitter as they are in the next branch we mentioned above. However, don’t let this stop you!

If you want to use this version of the parser for testing, you can do so by manually changing the branch that uses nvim-treesitter with the following code:

local parser_config = require("nvim-treesitter.parsers").get_parser_configs()

parser_config.http = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", parser_config.http, {
  install_info = { branch = "next" },

Then, save your changes, relaunch Neovim, run :TSInstall http and enter y in the reinstallation prompt and relaunch Neovim again.

IMPORTANT: You may have problems with the highlights.scm and injections.scm queries if you use it with rest.nvim since it currently has the old versions of these changes. To fix it, change the queries with :TSEditQuery with those found in next

When is it going to be merged?

You’re probably wondering this after reading the above, so I have the answer for you!

After the parsing job on the rewrite of rest.nvim is done and no errors are found in the parser, and the rewrite of rest.nvim is fully functional, I will merge the parser changes.

Unfortunately this does not have a precise ETA yet, but I can assure you that it will be sooner than you think!

Special thanks

And finally, I want to give special thanks to @boltlessengineer and @vhyrro, who gave me a hand when I had questions regarding tree-sitter and the documentation was not very helpful for me :P