Hello Luarocks

Tags:  Neovim  Luarocks  Rocks.nvim 

Modern times require modern solutions, and modern solutions always make our work easier, so why not use LuaRocks in Neovim?


The Neovim ecosystem has expanded enormously with the arrival of Lua two years ago, and dependencies have been introduced into plugins to improve them exponentially, however everyone’s experience could be improved even further.

This will be a long but interesting read and will really be worth it, so grab some coffee in your favorite mug!

The Neovim plugins ecosystem

As already made clear above, the Neovim plugins ecosystem is now huge compared to before Lua came into our lives (and as someone who has used Neovim since 0.3 I can confirm this without a second thought).

This ecosystem has been greatly nourished since practically the beginning of this decade, which has been marking a before and after in the use of Neovim. With some plugins being born as libraries to serve other plugins, such as plenary.nvim, and others exposing a public API for interoperability and extensibility like telescope.nvim did.

This sounds great, right? But like everything, it has its small defects, and in this case they have nothing to do with the code, but with its distribution. So, we can ask ourselves things like

What’s wrong with the way of distributing plugins?

Maybe this point may not matter to you or seem irrelevant at first, but as you read and understand it, it will make complete sense. But seriously, what’s wrong? Ok, let’s get straight to the point then.

At Neovim, we have had various plugin managers throughout the Lua era, such as packer.nvim or lazy.nvim. However, these have not been able to fulfill all the real functions that, for example, a package manager has. One of those functions is the one we will talk about in more depth in this post, dependency management.

Dependency management

Needless to mention again, plugins in Neovim started implementing dependencies on libraries found in Git repositories or in other plugins. This is great, but the way it is currently implemented in plugin managers is not all that great, and is much less practical to what we could find elsewhere.

This is mostly because plugin managers use Git repositories as their source for managing plugins, which is not bad, but it is not ideal either.

Take as an example telescope.nvim, which is a plugin that is normally in every user configuration in Neovim, or also nvim-lspconfig.

Using lazy.nvim, the telescope setup would look like this:

return {
    tag = '0.1.5',
    dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' },

As we can see, it is known that telescope.nvim has a dependency which is plenary.nvim, and that is fine, but you as a user should NOT have to worry about this at all, since your plugin manager should know how to identify the dependencies of your plugins.

For simple plugins you won’t see it as important, but with plugins that can have many dependencies (like nvim-cmp and its sources, for example) it becomes tedious, and even more so if some of its dependencies also have dependencies.

This should be addressed from the plugin maintainer side, but it’s not really possible using Git.

Semantic versioning and stability

Another point to take into account is the actual versioning and the stability that this brings to the plugins. You might think “hey, but Git has tags and plugin managers can use them”, and yes, this is true. However, this has some cons:

  • The tag value is hardcoded, so you have to keep track of updates yourself, and if you have a lot of plugins (~20 or more), this process is overwhelming if you don’t have the time to review each one manually.
  • It is not really an obligation for the distribution of plugins, so many plugin maintainers do not create new releases and tags in their plugins repositories, or they never do one at all, and the versioning is completely lost.

Code reuse

It was previously discussed that plugins can use libraries to improve the experience, however the only real library currently used is plenary.nvim. And it’s really not the best, since even plenary.nvim reimplements functionalities that could be found in third-party libraries for Lua with much more mature and superior performance and implementations.

But this does not stop there, many times we plugin developers have also had to reimplement code ourselves, sometimes creating poor or incomplete reimplementations due to lack of access to libraries written for Lua.

LuaRocks to the rescue

Maybe you know it, or maybe you don’t, but Lua has a large ecosystem in itself too, and that’s why luarocks exists. It is a package manager for Lua but it is also a package hosting service, similar to the NodeJS npm.js registry.

This package manager can be used for Neovim as well, in fact, there are already plugins in this package hosting and new plugins are being added more and more. And, being a full-fledged package manager, it is able to solve all the points mentioned above and alleviate the pain for us, both as plugin developers and regular users.

Thanks to the rockspec files that luarocks uses to declare the packages and their dependencies, we will never have to worry again as users about the dependencies of the plugins, and whether or not we missed installing something additional, because luarocks also manages packages that need native code compilation!

But let’s look at an example with rocks.nvim, which is a manager plugin that works under luarocks:

"telescope.nvim" = "0.1.5"

As we can see, we don’t need to declare that telescope.nvim depends on plenary.nvim to work, since its dependencies are written in the rockspec and luarocks takes care of the tedious work for us. It is much easier and cleaner, yay!

And as a developer, it’s as simple as specifying the dependency in a Lua table (because rockspec files uses Lua syntax, so there’s really nothing difficult to learn) and optionally, the version it needs to work. As simple as that! :p

Furthermore, luarocks is fully capable of handling different versions of package dependencies without any problems. In addition to this, luarocks has no obligation when uploading packages beyond the code of conduct, and it works directly with your GitHub account, which is very convenient!

I also recommend taking a look at this blog post by @mrcjkb, which follows up on a series of posts by @teto.

Packaging and publishing to luarocks

Packaging and publishing plugins in luarocks is very easy — seriously, the process takes less than 5 minutes. In the nvim-neorocks GitHub organization we have a very simple and intuitive guide written by @vhyrro that you can take a look at.

The process can be completely automated, you don’t even have the need to write your rockspec manually. All this thanks to the hard work that @mrcjkb and @teto have done on the luarocks-tag-release CI.

So, the effort is really low for you as a plugin developer to enjoy all the advantages that luarocks brings, and also make life easier for your users :p

New capabilities, more innovation

With the arrival of all the capabilities that luarocks offers for the Neovim ecosystem, innovation can go to the clouds and beyond.

Remember when I said that luarocks could handle code that needed to be compiled? Well, image.nvim is a clear example of why this is good and the advantages this can bring to the world of Neovim. This is a plugin that allows image rendering in Neovim, thanks to the use of imagemagick bindings in Lua.

And this is just an example of what can be achieved with the integration between Neovim and luarocks, I really can’t wait to see what the future brings us :)

rocks.nvim, a harmonious way to use luarocks


For the past six months, we have actively been working on rocks.nvim as the future plugin manager for Neovim. It aims to establish a standard in the ecosystem for the use of luarocks as a means of plugin distribution. The project is already in a stable and completely usable phase, which we will discuss in more depth in another post dedicated specifically to this new plugin manager.

With rocks.nvim, we have also completely changed the way we handle plugins, adopting a more intuitive approach with less copy/paste for end users through the use of commands. If you haven’t tried it yet, I recommend checking it out :)

For example, to install telescope.nvim, you can use :Rocks install nvim and TAB autocompletion, which works fuzzily and with impressive performance to search for luarocks packages. Alternatively, you can simply run :Rocks install telescope.nvim if you already know the name of the plugin. Everything will be handled internally while you relax, and the plugin will start working as soon as it is installed!

While other plugin managers like packer.nvim have integrated luarocks as well, they do not do so in a self-contained and “native” manner. packer.nvim, for instance, uses hererocks, introducing a dependency on Python and has not been maintained for years. Some other managers have resisted the idea and completely ignored the advantages and capabilities of luarocks. To be honest, adopting luarocks makes a lot of sense and would help improve the Neovim ecosystem even further, addressing usability issues and fixing the problems mentioned above.

Ps: rocks.nvim is also completely extensible!