This Week in Rest #1

Tags:  Neovim  Rest.nvim  Devlog  Twir 

This Week In Rest is a weekly newsletter with updates from the rest.nvim Neovim plugin, including all relevant changes. This is the first entry for this blog section!


This week rest.nvim development resumed, starting with fixes and new features in the repository CI along with an internal rewrite of the plugin.


  • Fix and update failing repository CIs, improve releases workflow.
  • Create temporal dev branch to rewrite rest.nvim without affecting users in the process.
  • Create a new v1.0.0 release with the latest stable changes!

Current version

Some pull requests have been merged with useful new features such as request statistics, search back to improve parser accuracy and more!

In these merge changes we can find:

  • An internal factor that improves writing to the buffers and makes it clearer and simpler, in addition to fixing a small left over when clearing the output buffer. #260
  • Opt-in customizable requests statistics, see the download size of your request output and the total time taken! #261
  • Improve request selection accuracy for the request under the cursor. #210
  • Opt-in option to stay in the current window instead of automatically switching focus to the request results buffer. This is going to be the default in the next major version! #257

Thunder rest

On the code side nothing has happened other than the creation of a couple of new CIs that will help with development and some early fixes.

The groundwork has been laid to begin the rewrite and automations have been introduced to help with contributions and the entire workflow (for example, automatically generated releases), but in addition, a large roadmap has been prepared with specifications for Thunder Rest, rest.nvim v2.0

As is well known, good software requires time, good design and intelligent decisions to avoid possible failures or implementation errors, so this part will start calmly very soon! :p