Using Neorg in Hugo

Tags:  Neorg  Hugo 

Hear me now, what if we embed Neorg in Hugo?

Yes, it is possible and doable. However, Neorg is not going to be used to render the content directly. In this post we are going to deep dive into this topic, and some future ideas to improve the actual behavior.

Notice that this post assumes that you already have a working blog using Hugo, no matters if it is a pretty basic one or an advanced and large one.

Getting started


First of all, we need to get a starting point. That is, getting our work environment done.

We are going to need the following software installed in our system:

  • Hugo (any version is fine, however, latest is recommended)
  • Neovim >= 0.8 (with Neorg plugin installed)

Notice that I am not providing any kind of installation instructions as the mentioned software already has pretty good documentation and instructions on how to get it working.

Our first post

Now that we have all the dependencies installed in our system, it is time to start blogging!

Yeah but how to get started with Neorg in Hugo? Right, so there are no rules at all. You can store your norg documents anywhere you wish, however, I recommend placing them in a norg directory in your content directory at the root of your blog repository.

That way, you will have two subdirectories inside content. That is posts with the actual posts of your blog, and norg where our blog posts sources are stored.

Hold on, did you say “our blog posts sources”? Yes, I did. This can sound a bit confusing at first but no worries, we are going to explain it later on!

First of all, we need to create a new norg document. So we open Neovim and start editing it right now!

$ neovim ./content/norg/first-post.norg

Now that we are in our newly created document, we can start editing it and add our metadata. Here is a simple example (it does use my required metadata, it can vary accordingly to your Hugo theme!).

These are my document metadata fields

title: First post
date: 2022-12-24T20:38:47-04:00
aliases: [
tags: [
author: NTBBloodbath
showToc: true
TocOpen: false
draft: false
hidemeta: false
comments: false
description: This is my first post using Neorg in Hugo!
disableShare: true
hideSummary: false
ShowReadingTime: true
ShowBreadCrumbs: true
ShowPostNavLinks: true
editPost: {
  Text: Suggest Changes
  appendFilePath: true

This is the actual content of my blog post

This is my first Neorg-based blog post, say hi!

** This is a 2nd level heading
   Say hi again! :p

Notice that I am not writing the @document.meta nor its @end tags here. Neorg tree-sitter parser will not understand all the different @end tags in the code block and misbehave when exporting this file.

Now we can proceed to save our document (I do not think I need to tell you how to save it) and run the following command in Neovim:

:Neorg export to-file ../posts/

This will basically tell Neorg to export our current file to a given path. In our case, we are exporting our blog post to markdown using the built-in exporter and from content/norg directory to content/posts directory so Hugo can see them. That is it, now we are using Neorg to write down our posts for our beloved blog!


There are some small issues with the built-in Neorg exporter that I am going to patch in the next weeks (aka next year) so at the moment you have to manually edit the produced file to fix some small issues with the exported content. This section will be updated later when addressing the issues mentioned here.

Frontmatter with nested fields

Exporter does not properly export nested document metadata fields, like the following:

editPost: {
  Text: Suggest Changes
  appendFilePath: true

Once we export it, it is exported as the following:

editPost: URL:
Text: Suggest Changes
appendFilePath: true

You will need to manually fix the indentation of that kind of metadata fields to match YAML syntax.

    Text: Suggest Changes
    appendFilePath: true

Code blocks language

Right now, exporter produce the following output:

let x = 5;

This is not the expected behavior and you will need to modify each code block to remove the indentation and align the code block language with the code block delimiter as usual.

Future ideas

As I told you at the very beginning of the post, there are a few ideas to improve the current behavior of using Neorg in Hugo. Now we are going to explain them!


As you may know, Neorg got document metadata that we can export to markdown and it is going to be the same as what we know as frontmatter (embedded yaml with metadata, providing things like title, author, etc).

This is great, however, we have to write it by hand in Neorg if we are going to use Hugo as there is only one template for metadata at the moment of writing this post. What if we can just tell Neorg “Hey, let’s use a different template for this document as it has other purpose”?

Well, this is exactly what we are going to achieve with a future PR to Neorg plugin for Neovim!

The idea behind this is to setup Neorg with a few extra metadata skeletons, which we can use later by passing an extra optional argument to :Neorg inject-metadata command in Neovim. That means, we could do something like :Neorg inject-metadata hugo and it is going to generate the metadata fields required by our Hugo theme in order to work properly instead of having to write it manually!

Using plain Norg files

This is a great idea too, isn’t it? Well, this one is way more complex and harder than the previous one. But why?

Well, this is because we can use pandoc (accordingly to official Hugo documentation) in order to convert our documents automatically on build to a valid format. The problem here is that Neorg pandoc parser is actually stale as Neorg was suffering a lot of internal syntax breaking changes (that were required!) so there is no way to actually make use of this option yet.

The good thing about this is that Neorg did finally reach version 1.0 and that means, we finally got a stable syntax and pandoc parser work can be started again!

But wait, Orgmode can be used directly with no extra requirements or converters!

Yes, that is a thing, however it would require another parser for Neorg in order to be able to do that too, AFAIK. And this is not even an idea yet, maybe in a few months or years, but not now!